Netlinkz Ltd
Bringing network virtualisation technology to a global market
It has created proprietary network virtualisation technology which is the hallmark of better connectivity; it seamlessly rolls-out a secure virtual mesh network between end-users, invisible to most, with unparalleled networking speeds.
Helicopter Creative was selected to shape a strategic brand identity for Netlinkz. The aim was to create a global brand identity akin to world-class Silicon Valley companies, with the ability to compete equally in developed and emerging markets. The brand strategy, identity and narrative had to enable and drive the roll-out of the company’s knife-edge networking technology to a global audience.
The objective was to create a master brand that allowed for localized brand experiences tailored to various market segments and geographies, aiming to open up new opportunities for potential customers around the globe to effortlessly comprehend that Netlinkz securely connects anyone, anywhere, on any device.
Beyond the brand, Netlinkz recognised an urgent need to better define its identity and purpose as a technology company and formulate its networking solutions in simple and clear language.
Helicopter Creative embraced this brand challenge wholeheartedly, as our team specializes in complex and strategic brand challenges.
We informed Netlinkz to prepare their team to be ‘all hands on deck’, as this branding exercise would involve a vigorous engagement process with the Company’s executives, technology gurus, and investor relations team.
Over workshops, deep dives, and late night Zoom calls, we immersed ourselves in Netlinkz’ promise to the world, bit by bit translating a complex portfolio of promising cutting-edge technology into simple language, visuals and an identity.
Ultimately, the Company’s purpose emerged: to ‘make connectivity simpler, faster, and more secure’. We encapsulated Netlinkz’ core promise to the world into a strong visual style emanating simplicity, speed, and security.

At kick-off, the most immediate challenge was that nobody truly understood what Netlinkz stood for.
Executives, management, technologists, engineers, and shareholders; all had wildly different perceptions, hopes and dreams of what Netlinkz would give the world.
Our first challenge was to help define Netlinkz’ identify as a technology company, clarify its purpose, agree a strategic direction, and identify the competitive advantages to lead the virtualization market-segment.
The next design challenge was to find the balance between bold and innovative versus trusted and respected.
One of Netlinkz’ key strategies is not to disrupt the industry. While Netlinkz is offering game-changing network virtualisation technology, no one would benefit from disrupted connections and networks in disarray.
The brand identity therefore had to offer the notion of a unique software solution pushing the edge of the human networking experience, while equally conveying the seamless nature of the network that deploys in mere minutes, operates effortlessly, is secure by design, and costs merely a fraction of today’s virtualisation solutions.
We developed a Netlinkz brand that offers a minimalist cradle for existing technology to shine and new technology to emerge. The core brand highlights the uniqueness of their networking solutions and differentiate them in the market-segment.